Variants Of Bingo

Who wants to delve deeper into the topic Bingo, comes to books, not over the subject. Unfortunately, the offer is not as extensive as in many other games. However, a few non-fiction books, which deal with the origins of the game, but also profitable ways to play, we have found on the net. Two novels on the subject completes the bingo Literature corner. Here you can find top notch Swedish casinos

Gambling Times Guide to Bingo, written by Roger Snowden. This book is still the most comprehensive book about bingo. This is not just about the origin and development of the game, the author also deals extensively with the rules and opportunities and strategies for successful games. The book is now available from 59 euros from 18 euros and used on the Internet.

A recent book that deals with the many different versions of bingo. The author is also advice on how to win money at bingo. The 64-page book is available for 3.99 Euro. The profit potential of this form of bingo are varied to get the "series" full but often corners, several rows is usually always there, also apply etc.

A novel in which the young Lapse Morrissey discovered his love for italia bingo and Shawnee Ray. His rich uncle, a wealthy businessman, does not shy away from being on holy ground to erect a large casino, the "Bingo Palace". An entertaining holiday reading, available for 9.90 Euro.

A beautiful novel about a small town, and two old ladies love. When bingo night at the Catholic church hall there is a showdown. Like a nice reading for bingo fans, the entertaining novels full of situation comedy. On the Internet you will get the books used especially effective. The first column contains the numbers 1 to 9, the second column the numbers 10 to 19 and the third column contains the numbers 20-29 - and so on until the last column with the numbers 80-90. This form of bingo is usually played in three steps: It must be a row, then two rows and then Full House can be achieved.